W E B L O G # 770
Sunday, October 30, 2005
"According to Plan..." that's the catch phrase of the movie Corpse Bride. The story talks about unpredictability of life - most things in the story does not happen according to plan (A2P). As in our life - you expect to finish the tasks in hand in the morning A2P, but at last you are off-tracked by other distrubances and could only start your own tasks after office hours. You expect to arrive on time for movie/dinner A2P. but there would be delays in MTR/traffic jams. You expect to have a holiday in a sunshine island, but H5N1 is waiting to welcome you there.

How about our so-called modern metropolitan life? It seems we lead a wonderful life with non-stop activities, but all these are more or less "according to plan". A2P you go to work every weekday and finish the tasks assigned, play & enjoy yourself in the weekend, celebrate ppl's birthdays/weddings/festivals when you receive an inivitation card/find the day arrive on calendar, ... do we really have a life?
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