W E B L O G # 770
Saturday, March 27, 2004
七人欖球賽多支熱門大勝 2004/03/26 www.mpinews.com
在A組,新西蘭以48:0擊敗日本; B組,爭取三連冠的英格蘭大勝中國49:0; C組,南非以63:0大勝泰國;D組,菲濟以35:0大勝葡萄牙;E組,阿根廷以48:0擊敗新加坡; F組,薩摩亞以38:0大勝台灣。
Friday, March 26, 2004
Wednesday, March 24, 2004
Tuesday, March 23, 2004
Sunday, March 21, 2004
No TV Licence? (UK)
Our enquiry officers have heard them all. A lot of the time, it's the same old story. Sometimes, it's the kind of story they feel they have to share.
The Red light - Destroyer of Damp
A woman claimed to the enquiry officer that she did not have a TV, even though he could see one behind her in the corner of the room. When he asked her about it she exclaimed, "Oh, that one…it's broken". He told her that there was a red light on at the bottom. She replied "Oh, that wee red light, I just keep that on as it keeps the damp from getting into it".
Bang the Television
A woman in a village claimed she only had a black and white television but when the enquiry officer asked if he could see it she quickly told him that there must be something wrong with it because if she hit it, it would sometimes come on in colour. She allowed him into her living room and proceeded to hit the television before switching it on. Sure enough, the television came on in colour. "there you are" she said, "see what I mean, there's something wrong with it".
Sky or SKY
When interviewing a woman in London, an enquiry officer asked during the conversation if she had Sky. "Yes", she replied. He proceeded to ask her what channels she watched on Sky and she answered, "I haven't got Sky". A little confused, the enquiry officer reminded her that she had just told him that she had Sky. "Yes, that's right, she's in the pram." She replied, pointing to her daughter.
Christmas Lights
An enquiry officer visited an address one evening where the curtains were open and a television set could be seen clearly - in use - in the lounge. When the occupier came to the door, he strongly denied having a set, saying that the enquiry officer had mistaken his Christmas tree light for a TV. The enquiry officer asked to go in and have a look, but was denied entry while the curtains were quickly closed. He went back to his car nearby to write out his report. A couple of minutes later he was surprised to see the husband and wife come out of the house carrying the TV. They put the set into the boot of the car and drove off.
The Vicious Tomcat
A young woman said that she didn't have a television and the enquiry officers asked if they could check. The woman said it was safe only as far as the hallway, as she would have to remove her cat, which was hostile and vicious towards strangers. The officers said that they would take a chance, but the lady insisted that it would be too dangerous, so the officers were left in the hall whilst she disappeared into the lounge. At that moment a ginger tomcat appeared from the kitchen. The officers stood rooted to the spot as this feline meowed and purred towards them, and then started to stroke itself against their legs. At the same time, the movement of furniture could be heard from the lounge, only to be interrupted by the occasional call of "come here Tilly you naughty cat" and "I won't be a minute, I've nearly caught him". The officers by this time had picked the cat up and were playing with it. One of them called through the door "What colour is the cat?" The lady replied "Ginger, with a red collar". The description perfectly matched that of the cat in the hall. A minute later the lady appeared saying that it was OK to enter, so the officer returned the cat to her, and retrieved the television set from the balcony.
The Sick Cat
The woman claimed that the reason for her not having a licence was because her cat had got sick down the back of the set and blew it up.
I Don't Live Here
Most enquiry officers come across the excuse "I don't live here". It's surprising how many are men dressed only in boxer shorts with nothing on their feet and have "just popped round to feed the dog".
The Wife
But the most common reaction from men confronted by TV Licensing enquiry officers is: "Oh, I thought my wife was dealing with it."
Saturday, March 20, 2004
Friday, March 19, 2004
The Snow Show
尋晚由Knowles LG2行落般含道時,首先見到霑叔係自己眼前出現,然後望到陸佑堂側門有一大堆記者圍住劉培基口架車,當時以為邊間hall high table,點知再行落D有一(君羊!!!!!) 師奶拔腿狂追一架車,跟住仲聽到有人唔停叫"寶珠姐!" ……。架車出口左閘之後仲有人衝上停係east gate門口D的士繼續追架車! 口華!D阿媽級fans仲顛過D妹妹仔追twins!
Thursday, March 18, 2004
Tuesday, March 16, 2004
Beverage Can Collector
香港猛獸 膽小如鼠 16.03.2004 www.mingpaonews.com
【 明 報 專 訊 】 一 對 夫 婦 聲 稱 上 周 六 晚 在 城 門 郊 野 公 園 與 「 虎 」 相 遇 , 雙 方 隔 ? 營 幕 對 峙 10 分 鐘 , 其 間 「 虎 嘯 頻 頻 」 , 幸 好 「 老 虎 」 不 久 自 行 離 去 , 兩 人 受 驚 報 警 , 難 道 香 港 是 否 繼 鱷 魚 後 又 現 虎 蹤 ﹖
漁 護 署 相 信 , 令 該 對 夫 婦 受 驚 的 「 疑 兇 」 是 香 港 罕 見 的 豹 貓 , 但 動 物 專 家 則 有 保 留 , 估 計 可 能 是 「 聲 大 夾 惡 」 的 野 豬 。 專 家 稱 , 無 論 「 疑 兇 」 的 真 正 身 分 是 什 麼 也 毋 須 驚 慌 , 因 為 香 港 野 獸 都 很 「 騰 雞 」 , 殺 傷 力 低 , 市 民 應 珍 惜 這 難 得 的 「 相 聚 一 刻 」 。
自 從 上 周 末 有 市 民 報 稱 郊 野 公 園 出 現 虎 蹤 , 漁 護 署 連 續 兩 天 派 員 搜 索 , 均 無 發 現 。
漁 護 署 濕 地 及 動 物 護 理 主 任 黃 始 樂 昨 晨 在 一 個 電 台 節 目 中 表 示 , 初 步 估 計 市 民 遇 上 的 是 貓 科 動 物 豹 貓 。 漁 護 署 在 全 港 郊 野 裝 設 超 過 100 部 紅 外 線 攝 影 機 , 監 察 野 生 生 物 動 態 , 經 常 發 現 豹 貓 及 野 豬 的 蹤 ? 。
但 嘉 道 理 農 場 動 物 及 保 育 部 高 級 經 理 艾 加 里 指 出 , 豹 貓 身 形 和 家 貓 差 不 多 , 喜 歡 吃 老 鼠 、 鳥 和 鳥 蛋 , 對 人 類 食 物 沒 興 趣 , 故 不 會 去 嗅 營 幕 , 而 且 叫 聲 不 兇 猛 , 又 怕 人 ﹕ 「 牠 頂 多 會 好 奇 地 盯 ? 你 , 不 久 便 會 逃 之 夭 夭 。 」 豹 貓 是 瀕 臨 絕 種 動 物 , 全 港 只 有 2 至 3 個 豹 貓 家 族 , 分 佈 在 新 界 , 每 家 族 由 「 一 公 一 ? 」 和 兒 女 組 成 。
重 組 案 情 後 , 艾 加 里 認 為 真 兇 應 該 是 野 豬 , 「 野 豬 較 大 隻 , 叫 聲 很 駭 人 , 而 且 愛 吃 人 類 殘 羹 , 故 會 走 近 營 地 , 加 上 牠 的 蹄 聲 響 亮 , 奔 跑 時 會 令 人 以 為 牠 身 驅 龐 大 」 。
嘉 道 理 農 場 動 物 保 育 主 任 高 保 然 說 , 他 的 後 花 園 有 野 豬 定 時 出 沒 , 會 吼 叫 , 會 跑 步 , 但 他 從 不 驚 慌 , 「 我 在 香 港 郊 外 15 年 , 與 野 豬 、 赤 ? 、 豹 貓 等 相 遇 多 次 , 從 沒 有 問 題 。 」
艾 加 里 認 為 , 市 民 可 與 野 生 動 物 碰 面 毋 須 驚 慌 , 反 而 應 該 感 到 慶 幸 , 「 香 港 的 動 物 很 膽 小 , 對 人 類 沒 什 麼 威 脅 , 你 應 該 珍 惜 並 享 受 與 動 物 相 遇 的 機 會 」 。 他 建 議 露 營 人 士 應 先 蒐 集 資 料 , 增 加 對 野 外 動 物 的 認 識 , 了 解 動 物 的 外 貌 、 叫 聲 , 偶 遇 時 便 不 會 反 應 過 敏 , 他 不 相 信 香 港 會 有 老 虎 或 豹 出 沒 。
Monday, March 15, 2004
random you - web of a new friend
and below the flight i flew back home on the far left taken in Chang Yi Airport, Singapore.

Thursday, March 11, 2004
Friday, March 05, 2004
Wednesday, March 03, 2004
WWW Kaleidoscope


連戰接受「康熙來了」節目訪問,主持人蔡康永笑言:「這真的是我們訪問的來賓裡,最接近『皇帝』的人了吧。」錄影一開始,小S就單刀直入詢問連戰的「私密話題」,「戰哥,請問你都穿什麼款式的內褲?在家穿的跟在外頭穿的一樣嗎?」讓蔡康永瞪大了眼,沒想到連戰正經八百的回答:「有八成是穿四角的… 」小S追問道:「那有拉很高嗎?」從沒被問過這種問題的連戰想了兩秒:「是拉得滿高的。」現場立刻陷入瘋狂爆笑。
Tuesday, March 02, 2004
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