W E B L O G # 770
Monday, November 29, 2004
明年拆紅灣半島承諾減污染 [20:00] www.mpinews.com

紅灣半島明年夏天將會清拆,以便興建豪宅,地產商答應盡量減少污染,又說拆卸是把錯誤糾正過來 (!)。

新創建及新鴻基地產召開記者會,公布拆卸紅灣的決定,發展商預料明年7至8月動工,需時9至10個月時間,而整個重建項目需時4年多。新鴻基執行董事董子豪表示,拆卸工程將產生19萬噸廢料,其中2萬噸將循環再用,如水龍頭、潔具等,將找尋合適的用家,如慈善團體或在大陸二手市場出售,而鋁窗、鐵及木門將會循環再用。另外17噸廢料,大部分是石屎,發展商將會將他們磨細,用作珠海鋪路或填海之用,尚有數千噸廢料則會以堆填方法解決 (!!)


新創建集團執行董事梁志堅表示,他們原本有3個方案,一是維持現狀,二是拆卸部分樓面,最後才是全部拆卸。他們經過一年考慮後,並曾建設一模擬拆卸部分樓面的單位,但均不能達到私人樓宇質素的標準,故決定全面拆卸,以致可達到地盡其用。梁志堅稱,拆卸紅灣既可增加就業,亦令庫房收入增加,對於於當地社區亦有更好的發展 (?!!)。

被問及將「新簇簇」的紅灣拆卸,另建新樓,會否教壞下一代,梁志堅稱,他們已將95%的物料循環再用,減少浪費,由於土地資源錯配,他們勇於認錯,將這個錯誤糾正過來 (Wa!)。至於被地價問題,新創建企業傳訊總經理關則輝表示,他們尚未完成有關規劃,故不知道補地價及地積比率情況,而他們會依法做事,按地契的條文去做。


Saturday, November 27, 2004
Detour Wanchai

"Detour - Wan Chai" is an outreach programme under the banner of "Business of Design Week 2004". 「設計遊 -- 灣仔」是「設計營商周2004」旗下的一個外展活動。「設計遊-灣仔」試圖帶動你的設計想像,讓你發現灣仔區新舊交替、隱伏於民間生活的設計視角。 我們為你定下八條經驗香港「設計特色」的路線,請你當一個開懷的設計搜索者,迎接本城賦予你的創作靈感。 - from www.detour.hk

The San Miguel Wild Dayout has been promoting through media this week - wanna go so much but it crashed with the Tat Ming concert already bought - life can't be perfect...

Tuesday, November 23, 2004
people mountain people sea

"the good,the bad & the ugly in the eyes of yu yat yiu" photo exhibition 照片展
Sunday, November 21, 2004
Langham Place - mongkok all-in-one

The talk-of-the-town Langham Place opens this week at long last (after 15 years since its conception). Some people thinks it'll gentrify Mongkok, some praises the landing of "world-class" shopping architecture in the Kowloon local scene. I don't feel particularly good or bad after visiting the mall. What is special in my mind is that Langham Place is probably the first to combine both high-end shops / department store and mini shops that only exists in less high-ended malls in the past. It provides a one-stop-shop experience for visitors to feel the vibrancy of Mongkok (also the crowdness as usual especially in this opening period).

And after "enjoying" a meal in a cafe called something like Matchtwo at the Atrium floor, I really feel the spirit of Mongkok - you'll receive indigenious hk-style-cafe treatment from its staff. Overpriced food and self-service - what a bargain...
Friday, November 19, 2004
Welcome to Hidden Art London - revealing design at its source

Hidden Art is an established network of over 1800 designer-makers and creative businesses based in East London. It is co-ordinated by the not-for-profit support organisation Mazorca Projects.
Monday, November 15, 2004

Friday, November 12, 2004
Blogger going glocalised
Soooooooooooooo busy this month, I want to have 48 hours a day this month.

Jesus when I goto blogger's homepage tonight I found it has changed to Chinese!
Must be those kind of IP-geography auto-detect stuff working... fortunately the edit interface is still english now. I can't find where to change it back to english - how can they assume everybody visiting the site from Hong Kong would understand Chinese, not to mention so many technical terms involved?

Hope it won't be all turning into Chinese - otherwise I guess the only solution is to change back my google preference into English. Sometimes I wish these technology acts less advanced - too smart is a bit annoying!

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