Before proceeding with this setup guide for Eudora Mail, make sure you have installed it. The zip file of Eudora Light 1.5.2 version can be downloaded from our ftp server.

Immediately after installing Eudora, you may follow these steps to setup Eudora Mail for use with NETfront.

Configuring Mail Server

1. Start Eudora.
2. Select 'Tool/Options' or 'Special/Settings' from the menu bar.
3. Click on category 'Personal Infomartion'.
4. Enter your E-mail address to the 'POP account' text box. Fill in your name and returned mail address.

5. Click on category 'Host'.
6. Enter '' to the SMTP text box.

7. Click 'OK'.
8. You can now select 'File/Check Mail' from the menu bar to check E-mail.

Servers Configuration
  Mail, news and proxy in
  Netscape 4.0
  Mail, news and proxy in Internet
  Explorer 5.0
  Mail and news servers in
  Internet Explorer
  Mail server in Eudora