Dial-up option setting.

1. Open Internet Explorer, open Internet option form the "Tools" pull down menu.

2. You can Add, Remove, and Modify the dial-up setting by clicking related button.

3. If you want auto dial when you open IE 5.0 or ICQ then check "Always dial my default connection". If you have serveral dial up no., then high light the no. you want to be auto dial and click "Set Default".

4. Some time auto dial may borther you. For example you have set different dial up no. in Internet explorer and outlook express, when you on-line browsing homepage by IE5.0 then you want to receive E-mail by outlook express, then a error message will come up " can not receive mail" and it will hang up your connection and dial the other. If you encounter this problem the please choose " Never dial a connection" or set a same connection in IE and Outlook Express.

Proxy Server Setting:

1. High light the dial up no. you going to set, then click "Settings" button.

2. Check "Use a proxy server" and "Bypass proxy server for local address and enter the address: proxy.netfront.net Port: 8080.

3. Enter your user name and passward which is given by NETfront. This is for auto dial, then you don't need to provide user name and password in each time.

4. You can also configure dial up no, properties and connection option by click "Properties" or "Advanced" button. Press "OK" when you confirm to change setting.

E-mail Setting in Outlook Express.

1. Open Outlook Express, then open "Accounts" from the "Tools" pull down menu. High light your account then click properties.

2. You can any in you Mail Account, for User Information and E-mail address, you can put your personal name and your NETfront E-mail address respectively.

3. Click Server tab to configure you e-mail incoming and out going server.

4. Put "pop3.netfront.net" in Incoming mail (POP3), and put "smtp.netfront.net" in Outgoing mail (SMTP). Finally put your Acount name and Password that was given by NETfront.

5.Click "Connection" tab, normally don't check " Always connect to this account using" is Ok. Unless you want to user auto dial function, then you can choose a proper dial up no.
6. Click "Advanced" tab to configure you E-mail can be recieve by serveral computer. Check "Leave a copy of messages on server", then you E-mail will always keep in our server, but becareful excess 5M Bytes storage capacity in our server. So, please check "Remove from server when deleted from "Deleted Items"

Servers Configuration
  Mail, news and proxy in
  Netscape 4.0
  Mail, news and proxy in Internet
  Explorer 5.0
  Mail and news servers in
  Internet Explorer
  Mail server in Eudora